How was that only three days? Crazy amounts of things have happened since I've last updated you. We had stops in St. Augustine, Augusta, GA at Soul Bar (holy moly does that place do it right!), Atlanta, GA, and one of our favorite joints in the south -- Columbus, GA's world famous SOHO Bar.
We took a long needed hotel day yesterday. I got my first run in on the trip, got to do yoga, and practiced guitar for an hour or so. It's amazing how that three hours of not having to be "on" felt like an entire weekend off. We're headed to New Orleans today after a CRAZY show last night. We were scheduled to play two 45 minute sets, but we ended up cooking and went well over that both times. The last set ended with the crowd renaming Rob "Aaaaanimaaaaaallllll!!!!!!" One of the patrons of the bar bought us a ceiling tile that the band signed and painted on. If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend going in and checking it out.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I am so grateful that I took this leap to do this. Whatever it is you want to do in life, stop waiting and just go for it. I spent almost ten years talking myself out of this lifestyle. Lots of useless time spent in pain, being jealous of others... Just... do whatever you want folks.